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Employ the right people with the right values, attitudes and behaviours.

The benefits of our service

  • Improve recruitment decisions
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Reduce costs
  • Improve service user outcomes and satisfaction
  • Reduce complaints

We all know that care services are changing. Demography, personalisation and funding issues have all come together to transform the social care workforce. Within this transformation there is a need for all of us to understand the underlying reasons for change and to respond to them in positive, creative and dynamic ways.

Profiles4Care is responding to this challenge by creating the very first dedicated values based personality profiling solution that works for Employers delivering services across the health and care sectors.

Profiles4Care firmly believes that in order to meet the challenges of the future, Employers will need to attract a diverse workforce. Traditional patterns of recruitment, process and practices will all have to change.

We believe this diverse workforce will cross the boundaries between health, social care and its partners. Within the context of this diverse workforce, there will be a need to ensure that there is a consistency in the quality and standards of care and support delivered together with the core values that underpin health and social care work and the skills and competencies that staff will need to acquire.

These skills and competencies will not be the old process-driven and service focused offerings. The skills required by care workers will move towards enablement, empowerment and facilitation. The role will be about supporting people to be active citizens and to help them lead a life of their choice, not just delivering a service.

Profiles4Care provides Employers with a process that identifies key values based behaviours that staff are expected to demonstrate, including positive self esteem, empathy, effective communication and a commitment to staying in the job.

Values based recruitment

The benefit to our Employers of values based recruitment is the emphasis on behavioural questions acknowledging that if an Employer has the right people with the right values, attitudes and behaviours, they can be provided with all the training and development they need to succeed. This is particularly useful when interviewing applicants with no relevant experience but who can shine at interview by exhibiting the behaviours valued.

Profiles4Care is not intended to be used as a definitive recruitment criterion. Our solutions are there to support your hiring process and make it as effective as possible for all parties involved. We will support Employers through change in their recruitment practices by effective, proven and individual profiling of prospective candidates. By improving the recruitment and retention of your staff you can deliver a number of benefits to your organisation, service users and their families.